Xiaomi’s latest MIUI 14 operating system update has caused a major issue affecting a large number of users. In this article, we detail this issue, how it was identified, the company’s response, and the recommended steps to resolve this situation.

description of the problem

After updating to MIUI 14, several users reported significant issues such as significant slowdowns in their device’s performance, excessive battery consumption, and frequent app crashes. THE main problem seems to be related to the built-in power manager, which does not work correctly after installing this new version.

How was the problem identified?

This issue quickly gained attention when thousands of users started complaining on various online forums and social media. The complaints were similar in nature with specific descriptions of the problems encountered. Independent experts and developers from the community quickly began investigating these complaints, leading to the identification of the problem with the power manager.

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Reaction from Xiaomi

Faced with this situation, Xiaomi quickly reacted by recognizing the problem and apologizing to affected users. The company also announced that it is actively working on a fix to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

Implementing a fix

Xiaomi has set up a dedicated team to work on a patch to address issues caused by the MIUI 14 update. The patch development process is transparent, with regular updates provided to users through official channels. company communications.

Communication with users

The company is actively communicating with its user base to keep them informed of the progress made in the development of the patch. Official forums and social media are constantly updated with relevant information regarding the issue and its planned resolution.

Recommended steps to resolve the issue

While we wait for Xiaomi to roll out its official patch, here are some recommended steps you can take to alleviate some of the issues caused by the MIUI 14 update:

  • Restarting the device: Restart your device to try to temporarily resolve some of the issues you are experiencing. Although this is not a permanent solution, it can help improve performance and stability.
  • Factory reset: If you are ready to lose your personal data and settings, perform a factory reset of your device. This action can sometimes resolve issues with system updates.
  • Disabling non-essential features: Turn off some non-essential features like background sync, GPS, and Bluetooth to save battery and improve performance.
  • Application update: Make sure all your apps are up to date as they can be optimized to work with the new MIUI 14 system version.
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In short…

The major issue affecting Xiaomi users after the MIUI 14 system update has been identified to be related to the in-built power manager. The company is actively working on a fix to resolve this issue and is communicating regularly with its users to keep them informed of progress. Until the patch is officially deployed, affected users are recommended to follow certain steps to mitigate the issues encountered.

It is important to remain vigilant when installing system updates and monitor feedback from other users to avoid possible problems. Do not hesitate to regularly consult our site to keep up to date with the latest news concerning Xiaomi and its products.

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